Select a Diamond

Select a Diamond

No two diamonds are created exactly alike and this makes comparing diamonds to one another very difficult. With the right amount of diamond knowledge you'll be able to select the perfect diamond while investing in quality characteristics that you determine are important. Use our Engagement Ring Handbook to gain the understanding you'll need to make a healthy decision.

No two diamonds are created exactly alike and this makes comparing diamonds to one another very difficult. With the right amount of diamond knowledge you'll be able to select the perfect diamond while investing in quality characteristics that you determine are important. Use our Engagement Ring Handbook to gain the understanding you'll need to make a healthy decision.

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Diamond Shapes

Years ago the shape was very closely associated with a diamond's cut and many people get them confused. The cut mostly determines the brilliance, light performance, and proportions of a diamond while the shape defines the overall silhouette or outline of the diamond.

Select A Diamond Size

Casual Conversation with your partner may uncover what would be an appropriate choice for a diamond. Princess and round cut diamonds are the most popular choice for engagement rings. You'll find that most ring mountings are designed specifically to hold round or princess cut diamonds. Recently, emerald and asscher cuts have become an increasingly popular choice for women that want something different.

0.50 ct
0.75 ct
1.00 ct
1.50 ct
2.00 ct

Select The Diamond Quality

Casual Conversation with your partner may uncover what would be an appropriate choice for a diamond. Princess and round cut diamonds are the most popular choice for engagement rings. You'll find that most ring mountings are designed specifically to hold round or princess cut diamonds. Recently, emerald and asscher cuts have become an increasingly popular choice for women that want something different.

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